Periodontal Disease Treatment

Early detection and treatment of periodontal disease is essential to retaining your teeth for a lifetime.

Periodontal disease (commonly referred to as gum disease) is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. It is a chronic bacterial infection that causes the gums to become inflamed.

Gingivitis, when the gums redden, swell and bleed easily, is the mildest form of periodontal disease in which the gums redden.

Untreated gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, where plaque spreads and grows below the gum line. The gums are irritated by toxins produced by the bacteria in plaque that stimulate a chronic inflammatory response in the body. The supporting tissues and bone are broken down and the gums separate from the teeth, forming pockets that become infected. As periodontal disease progresses the pockets deepen as more gum tissue and bone is lost and teeth can loosen and may have to be removed.

Periodontal therapy, such as root scaling and planning, treats the disease process by removing bacterial plaque, calculus and toxins. This eliminates the factors that cause the inflammation and establish an enhanced environment for the maintenance of oral health.

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